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Word and Mission Men Ministries.

Our Declaration of Faith and Practice

We Believe:

1- “We have no guide, but the Word.”

2- “We exist to equip men to serve God, their family, church, pastor & community; resulting in growth to the Kingdom and strengthening fellow believers.”

3- “Our Faith decision is impotent if we fail to stand unequivocally on the Word, confesses Jesus and forsake our own opinion.”

4- “Every Faith decision must be both a firm yes (to God) and an absolute no (to sin)!”

5- “When one claims Jesus as Lord, one cannot support sin in any form; for through the Word we recognize that Evil compromises our Faith and witness.”

6- “ There is no contradiction in God’s Word; the Bible is truth in all its dimensions. Jesus Saves, Yet Jesus holds all men accountable in judgement; Jesus Heals. Yet He strengthens us through suffering; Jesus Delivers. Yet He empowers us to endure;”

7- “Sin cannot be dressed up or ameliorated, it must be conquered! There is no “yes, but” in God’s Word; His instructions are “Yes & Amen.”

8- “The Word provides both admonishment & affirmation.”

9- “We must not let anything or anyone diminish our relationship with the one true God.”

10- “God who showers grace, is the same God who warns of impending judgment.”

11- “We must be reminded that the lack of courage produces compromise & dismisses the mandate of Mark 16:15.

12- “In Operational & Methodological Freedom & Flexibility within the Five Filters: We always ask... Is it legal, moral, ethical, affordable & Biblical?”

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